January 2020 - Present

Birket Engineering, Inc.

-Embedded Systems Engineer-

I am excited to announce that starting January 1, 2020 I will be working as a full-time Embedded Systems Engineer at Birket Engineering. I am excited for this opportunity and cannot wait to succeed at my job!

May 2019 - December 2019

Birket Engineering, Inc.

-Embedded Systems Intern-

  • Programmed 32-bit ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers such as STM32F7 in C
  • Designed and Manufactured Electrical Schematics and Printed Circuit Boards
  • Applied Data Structures and Algorithms to data obtained via UART, SPI, and I2C protocols

Despite getting internship opportunities from the likes of Facebook, I ended up chosing Birket as my last Summer/Fall Intership before entering the real world and needless to say, I have no regrets. Working at Birket was simply the greatest pleasure I had during my last few semesters at UCF.

August 2018 - December 2018

Universal Creative

-Engineering Intern-

  • Implemented a Non-GPS Indoor Navigation System for Drones
  • Researched and Developed cutting-edge technologies for UAVs
  • Developed and Maintained Vendor Relations

Universal Creative is the design, engineering, project management, and research and development division of Universal Parks & Resorts. I worked in the core engineering department with the Show Systems team. As an Engineering Intern, my task was to help with UAV research and development. Some of the tasks that I performed included researching cutting-edge battery technologies for UAVs, finding commercial solutions for battery management and storage systems, creating and performing flight test plans, assisting with site mapping and surveying operations and discovering technologies that allow non-GPS autonomous navigation with UAVs indoors.

A major part of my internship was to discover cost effective yet reliable systems that would allow any UAV to perform autonomous indoor navigation without the use of GPS. The challenge was to find a technology which would be both cost effective and reliable unlike the traditional Computer Vision systems which solely provide reliability. With a lot of hard work and dedication my team and I presented Universal with a system and a proof of concept that reduced the costs of indoor navigation by ~82% and costs of reliability by ~17% compared to the traditional computer vision system. It met the requirements for company use case by far and the senior director of Show Systems was pleased with our progress. This experience allowed me to expand both my professional and personal network. Additionally, I was exposed to great talent that pushed me to be the best version of myself. At the end of the day, interning at Universal Creative was an incredible experience and I am thankful for the opportunity it has given me to grow and improve as a Computer Engineer.

May 2017 - November 2018

PraxSoft Inc.

-Assistant Engineer-

  • Worked with Wireless Sensors and Embedded Controllers
  • Conducted Data Analysis and Generated Technical Report
  • Tested PCBs and performed Quality Assurance

Praxsoft Inc. is an Environmental Engineering R&D company that provides technological services allowing businesses to monitor and maintain their assets remotely. They use an integration of streaming communications, web-based software, and Wireless Sensor Nodes (WSNs) to manage and control infrastructure. I worked as Assistant Engineer under the CEO Rhonda Copley, and VP of Engineering Amin Ismail, Ph.D. It was a great learning experience both personally and professionally. I learned about the industry and how theoretical concepts in school can be used to influence people and change lives.

I was brought on board to help with the research and development of the Fog Monitoring System, a project undertaken by PraxSoft for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The Fog Monitoring System uses data from several Fog Monitoring stations with embedded sensors that measure temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, barometer etc., and feeds them into a weather model that then predicts upcoming fog or rain events and notifies the authorities via an email alert. During my time there, I assembled 20 FMS units and tested and troubleshot all of the equipment before installation. An example can be seen in the image on the left. Additionally, I collected the sensor data, the weather model results, and generated technical reports demonstrating the success rate (approx. 90%) of the system. These reports were then turned in to FDOT. Interning at PraxSoft was a great a technical experience and I am thankful for VP of Engineering Amin Ismail, Ph.D. and the CEO Rhonda Copley for providing me with this opportunity.